
ELA Week 3
Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
Parents will click on the you tube link for their child to listen to Jack Hartmann's Rhyming song for Review. Then, they will download rhyming words document for their child to complete.
Student Instructions
Students will listen to song for review of Rhyming words. Students will say the name of each picture. Then, draw and write a word that rhymes with each picture
Learning Opportunity Objective
I can produce rhyming words.
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
1) Watch Jack Hartmann's letter Zz video using the link
2) Worksheet #1 - Color all of the pictures that start with the letter Zz sound.
3) Worksheet #2- Look at the pictures at the bottom of the worksheet. Draw a line to sort the pictures into correct boxes by words that start with "z" and words that do not start with "z."
Student Instructions
1) Watch Jack Hartmann's letter Zz video using the link
2) Worksheet #1 - Color all of the pictures that start with the letter Zz sound.
3) Worksheet #2- Look at the pictures at the bottom of the worksheet. Draw a line to sort the pictures into correct boxes by words that start with "z" and words that do not start with "z."
Learning Opportunity Objective
The student will be able to recognize the letter Zz and identify the sound Zz at the beginning of the word.
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
1. Play the video of the story.
2. Ask your child, "What are some things you like to collect?" "What did the character in the story like to collect?"
3. Have your child/parent cut rectangular pieces of any kind of paper and "collect" words by having them write as many words throughout the week that they have learned, seen, or heard of.
4. Have fun with this, maybe start a journal and add words to it each week. 5. Use those words to create sentences with them.
Student Instructions
Listen to your parents and do your best!!
Learning Opportunity Objective
I can write words phonetically and put them into sentences.
Math Week 3
Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
Parents will click on you tube link for their child to listen to a song about subtraction for review by Jack Hartmann. Download the roll and subtract pdf for their child to complete. With this sheet, the student will need dice (or cards) to complete this sheet.
Student Instructions
Listen to Jack Hartmann's subtraction song for review. Complete (with parent help, if needed) the roll and subtraction sheet. Students will roll two dice. They will write the higher number first and then the lower number. Then, they will solve subtraction problem and write the sum.
Learning Opportunity Objective
I can subtract simple math problems.
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
Use the YouTube links to listen to Harry Kindergarten songs about Teen Numbers. Print out the pdf and have students count and write the numbers On paper, practice writing their numbers 0-20
Student Instructions
Follow your parents directions. Listen and get ready to count!
Learning Opportunity Objective
Students will practice their teen numbers.
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
1. Click on the link to watch the Jack Hartman addition song.
2. Download the worksheet and print out.
3. Have your child solve each math problem. Then use the color code to color each bunny.
Student Instructions
1. Watch the Jack Hartman addition song. 2. Solve each math problem. Then use the color code to color each bunny.
Learning Opportunity Objective
I can fluently add within 10.
Science Week 3
Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
Click on the link to listen to the weather song. Download and print the weather graph. Have your child color the graph each day to record the weather. Talk about the changes in the weather with your child.
Student Instructions
Listen to Check Out the Weather. Color the weather graph each day to show the weather. Did the weather change from one day to the next? How many sunny days were there? How many rainy days were there? How many cloudy days were there? Why did it not snow this week? What is your favorite weather?
Learning Opportunity Objective
The student will analyze and interpret weather data to describe weather patterns that occur over time using simple graphs.
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
STEM Lesson - Watch the video about the floating pennies - Gather the supplies (glass, water, penny, cardboard) - Make sure that this experiment is done on a surface that can be easily cleaned or outside - After the experiment, look at other awesome projects that can be done on the site
Student Instructions
- Follow the directions from your parents
- Have a grown up help you when flipping the glass over
- Predict what you think will happen.
- Was your prediction correct?
Learning Opportunity Objective
Students will engage in a STEM project to learn about air pressure.
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
1) Have your child watch the song video of the 5 senses.
2) Print the first page of the Popcorn activity sheet.
3) Plan a movie night with your family or a time to watch a movie where you all can.
4) Right before watching the movie have the printed popcorn sheet ready and pop some yummy popcorn for your family to share (if your child does not like popcorn get their favorite movie snack, can be anything).
5) Tell your child to think about the popcorn/snack as they eat it; how it tastes, smells, looks, feels, and sounds.
6) Enjoy the movie and your snack!
7) After the movie, as a family record what you thought about the popcorn/snack on the recording sheet. Everyone can share and write down their 5 senses of how the popcorn/snack tasted, smelled, looked, felt, and sounded as they ate it!
Student Instructions
1)Watch the video of the 5 senses song.
2) Get your popcorn paper and a pencil!
3) Help your parents get the popcorn or snack ready and the movie ready. 4) Watch the movie and eat your treat but make sure you are thinking about your 5 senses with the popcorn as you're watching the movie.
5) Talk to your family about how the popcorn tasted, smelled, felt, looked, and sounded like and write down everyones thoughts on the recording sheet.
Learning Opportunity Objective
I can identify my 5 senses.
Social Studies Week 3
Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
1. Watch the YouTube story "Howard B. Wigglebottom Learns to Listen".
2. Talk about why rules are important in school, in the community, and at home.
3. Discuss some rules you have at home and why they are important.
4. Print the response sheet.
5. Have your child illustrate a rule you have at home and why it is important.
Student Instructions
1. Watch the YouTube story "Howard B. Wigglebottom Learns to Listen".
2. Tell a family member why rules are important to have.
3. What are some rules you have at home?
4. Draw one of those rules and write a sentence about why it is important.
Learning Opportunity Objective
The student will be able to identify community rules and why they are important.
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
- Go to and login - Choose Studies Weekly, choose Kindergarten, choose Week 17 - Read through and watch the videos about leaders
- Download SSWeek17 worksheet and have student draw the pictures and help fill in the blanks
Student Instructions
- Read along with the lesson and watch the videos
- Think of who your leaders are in the home, classroom and community
- Draw pictures of leaders in their boxes on the worksheets and fill in the blanks as best you can
Learning Opportunity Objective
Students will review leadership.
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
Parents, click on the link and have your child watch the video about recycling and complete the quiz after the video. In their journal, your child can write 1+ sentences to explain how they could reuse a soup can.
**Optional activities-
1.) Children can find a soup can and implement the plan they wrote about in their journal.
2.) Children can design a recycling routine to start, or improve a recycling routine in your household. Create signs to label various recycling containers.
Student Instructions
Listen to your parents like they are your teacher. Do your best!
Learning Opportunity Objective
Plan and conduct an investigation to describe and classify different kinds of materials including wood, plastic, metal, cloth, and paper by their observable properties (color, texture, hardness, and flexibility) and whether they are natural or human-made.