Family Fun Activities

Activities Week 4
Activity 1 Activity 2 Activity 3
Parent Instructions
Buy a newspaper or help student with locating the articles online, if needed.
Student Instructions
TIME CAPSULE Activity 2: What’s in the News! Get a newspaper (if safe to do so), and CUT OUT ARTICLES you think would be important to look back on. If newspapers are not available, FIND AND PRINT ONLINE ARTICLES. The link provided is to the Daily Memphian, an online newspaper. These articles could be national or local news articles, opinion articles, letters to the editor, or human interest articles. Paste the articles on copy paper and write a few sentences below the article about why you chose that particular article. Remember to include the date. Resource: Newspapers or internet articles
Learning Opportunity Objective
To be aware of our time in history.
This is the 2nd activity for the Time Capsule. The link is for the online newspaper, The Daily Memphian. However any online newspaper could be used as a source.
Parent Instructions
Have your child pick a short story or book to read to a younger sibling, family member or friend. You can FaceTime, call over the phone, or read in person. You can create an account in Open Libraries to access many books online for free. OR, check out Elmore Park's Library site with student resources. There are book options there as well.
Student Instructions
Pick a short story or book to read to someone. Call or FaceTime to read to them. Or, if they live in your house, read to them in person. The goal is to simply read a fun story to someone who might enjoy it. This might be a cousin, grandparent, relative, friend, or anyone wanting to listen. Take a picture of short clip of you reading and share with your Academic Exploration teacher or librarian. Or both! You can access free online books on Elmore Park's Librarian page or have your parents help you create an account with Open Libraries. You can also take this a step further by having someone read a story back to you.
Learning Opportunity Objective
Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension.
The standard is focused on fluency, which is really targeting elementary kiddos, but everyone loves a good children's story now and again.
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
Parents can work with students to talk about the goals the have for themselves in the future (next week, at the end of middle school, as an adult, etc). Parents and students can also make a family vision board for the home.
Student Instructions
Students should create a vision board using magazine, newspaper, or internet cut outs. Students can also use Pages on their computer to make a virtual vision board. The purpose of a vision board is to "help set and prioritize goals, values, and intentions" in a visual manner. Please see website for tips and tricks! When you're done, email a picture to your AE teacher, and hang it up somewhere you can see every day.
Learning Opportunity Objective

Students will be able to set goals for themselves.