
ELA Week 5
Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3
Parent Instructions
Reading Comprehension using words with blends (gl, pl, and sl): 1. Watch the Jack Hartmann Blends video to refresh your child's memory with what a blend is. 2 Read each passage with your child three times. 3. Have your child color the words that have the focused blend in the passage. For example, if the blend for that passage is "gl", have them color over the word "glasses". 4. Have your child answer the two questions about the passage by coloring the correct answer. 5. Do the same for all three blend passages.
Student Instructions
Reading Comprehension using words with blends (gl, pl, and sl): 1. Watch the Jack Hartmann Blends video to remember what a blend is. 2 Read each passage with an adult three times. 3. Color the words that have the focused blend in the passage. For example, if the blend for that passage is "gl", have them color over the word "glasses". 4. Answer the two questions about the passage by coloring the correct answer. 5. Do the same for all three blend passages.
Learning Opportunity Objective
The student will read a passage and correctly answer questions about the passage.
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
Open the file and print out or student may use a piece of paper to complete.
Student Instructions
Look at each picture and think about what sound/letter it begins with. Write the letter under each picture to create the secret CVC word. Read the words.
Learning Opportunity Objective
The student will be able to identify the beginning sounds and then sound out the letters to read CVC words.
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
Watch the Reading Machine video. Read the words with your child. Ask them to identify the vowel. Download and print the I can read cvc word activity sheet. The sheet has 8 sentences. Have your child read each sentence to you. Then match the word with the picture in each sentence.
Student Instructions
Watch the Reading Machine video. Tell your parent, the vowel in each word. Remember there are 5 vowels - a, e, I , o, u. Show what you know. Read the sentences on the activity sheet to your parent. Then find the word that matches each picture. Cut and glue the word in the correct place!
Learning Opportunity Objective
The student will blend and read cvc words.
Math Week 5
Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
Watch Jack Hartmann's Video Number Bonds 11-19. Discuss with your child - the fact that all of these numbers are made up (composed) of 10 and another number. Download and print the activity sheet. Your child will color the 10 frames to show each teen number. Remind them to start with the 10.
Student Instructions
Watch Number Bonds. Can you tell your parent - why there is always a ten in the teen number bonds? Show what you know. Color the ten frames to match the teen number.
Learning Opportunity Objective
The student will compose teen number by putting tens and ones together.
printer, paper, pencil
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
1) Either print the addition fact cards or make your own on paper. 2) Print the recording page: Page 6. 3) Cut out the addition fact cards and place them around the house, you could hide them around the house for your child to find them to make it more fun. 4) Give your child the recording sheet and a pencil. 5) Tell them to find all of the addition fact cards around the house and show them the number on the card. They have to write the answer in the correct box for that cards number. Example: Card 1 with 2+2 on it will be recorded on the recording sheet under the number 1 and they will write 4 in that box.
Student Instructions
Listen to your parents and have fun!
Learning Opportunity Objective
I can answer addition sentences fluently.
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
Provide two dimes and nine pennies for your child to manipulate. Show your child a number between 11 and 20. Ask them to name it and then build it using the dime to represent a ten and the pennies to represent ones. Repeat with others between 11 and 20. (You can also use all pennies and have your child make a stack of ten and lay the ones in a row.)
Student Instructions
Build numbers 11 through 20 using a dime to show ten and pennies to show your ones.
Learning Opportunity Objective
I can compose (construct) and decompose (separate) numbers 11 – 19 into tens and ones.
Science Week 5
Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
This is a simple experiment. You will need black pepper, a plate of water, and a small bowl of soap. The pepper will act as the virus and the water will represent the surface of your hand. The soap represents washing your hands. Step 1- Sprinkle the pepper in the water. Step 2 - Dip your finger in the virus and observe how the virus coats your finger. Step 3 - Dip a different finger into the soap, then into the peppered water and observe how the virus react to washing your hands.
Student Instructions
Step 1- Sprinkle the pepper in the water. Step 2 - Dip your finger in the virus and observe how the virus coats your finger. Step 3 - Dip a different finger into the soap, then into the peppered water and observe how the virus react to washing your hands.
Learning Opportunity Objective
Use appropriate tools to make observations and answer testable scientific questions.
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
1. Watch the YouTube read aloud video of "A Book of Seasons."
2. Download the PDF and choose a season activity to complete from the options. There are 3 activities. They are offered in color or black and white.
3. Option 1: Students sort pictures into one of 4 season categories. If black and white, they can color pictures before cutting & pasting. Option 2: Students pick one season. Then, draw a picture of something you taste, hear, see, feel, or smell during that season. Ex. Fall: taste-pumpkin pie, smell- cinnamon, see-pumpkins, feel- slimy seeds, hear- leaves crunching
Option 3: Draw and write about your favorite season or tell a story about a fun time you had during a certain season.
Student Instructions
1. Watch the YouTube read aloud video of "A Book of Seasons." 2. Download the PDF and choose a season activity to complete from the options. There are 3 activities. They are offered in color or black and white. 3. Option 1: Students sort pictures into one of 4 season categories. If black and white, they can color pictures before cutting & pasting. Option 2: Students pick one season. Then, draw a picture of something you taste, hear, see, feel, or smell during that season. Ex. Fall: taste-pumpkin pie, smell- cinnamon, see-pumpkins, feel- slimy seeds, hear- leaves crunching Option 3: Draw and write about your favorite season or tell a story about a fun time you had during a certain season.
Learning Opportunity Objective
Students will identify four seasons and their attributes.
Prompt students to cut with clean lines. Practice glue techniques. When writing, use a capital letter at the beginning of the sentence and punctuation at the end.
Parent Instructions
Watch the Brainpop jr. Spring Video ( you may need to sign up for a free account). Talk about spring weather and what animals and people do in the spring. Download and print the spring activity sheet. Complete together
Student Instructions
Watch Spring on Brainpop jr. Tell your parents about spring weather and what people and animals do in the spring. Complete the spring activity sheet by putting the pictures in the correct place 
Learning Opportunity Objective
The student will identify signs of spring.
Social Studies Week 5
Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
There are 3 choices of activities for your child. They may click one of the links to learn about Neil Armstrong or Jim Henson. Or you child can explore the website choose a hero. There are 3 PDF sheets attached. One is for Neil Armstrong, one is for Jim Henson and one is for any other ordinary hero they may choose.
Student Instructions
You can chose one activity, do all 3 or chose to learn about lots of amazing Ordinary people. Have fun.
Learning Opportunity Objective
Students will explore people who have made a change in the world.
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
- Parents have your child watch the two videos about Communities.
- Talk to them about what communities are and which communities your child is a part of.
- Have your write a sentence about their community and draw a picture.
Student Instructions
- Watch the videos
- Talk with your parents about what a community is.
- Write about your community and draw a picture to go with your writing.
Learning Opportunity Objective
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
Please watch the story of Mae Jamison - Mae Among the Stars. Mae knew that she wanted to be an astronaut when she grew up, She believed in herself and with hard work - she became an astronaut. Download and print the Mae Jamison activity. Mae was an astronaut on the Space Shuttle Endeavour. Help your child make and launch a model of the Endeavour.
Student Instructions
Watch Mae Among the Stars. Mae did grow up to be an astronaut. She was on the Space Shuttle Endeavour. With your parents help, make a space shuttle launcher. Read the directions together. How far can your space shuttle travel?
Learning Opportunity Objective
The student will identify the fact that ordinary people can change the world.