World Languages

Spanish Week 5
Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
Have your child access the URL given. This is a Quizlet page designed by one of our teachers. Have your child pick any word list that might interest them (clothing, food, descriptions, etc.), and have them practice the words in that list. There are ways for them to "learn" and do matching activities, and there are games they can play. Once they feel confident, they should then take the test (in the options list on the left-hand side of the word list) and screenshot their results. They should then email that screenshot to their Spanish teacher.
Student Instructions
Go to the link and pick a word set that you find interesting. Use the "learn" tool and the "play" options to practice the words. Once you feel comfortable with the words, click on the "test" option on the left-hand side. Screenshot your results and email it to your Spanish teacher!
Learning Opportunity Objective
For students to practice with vocabulary and build their lexicon!
Word document
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
Have your student research an artist from a Spanish-speaking country. They will then write 2-3 paragraphs about the artist, using the word document provided as a guide.
Student Instructions
The Spanish-speaking world is filled with amazing art and many talented artists. For this assignment, Search the web for a painter/sculptor (or other visual artist) that is from a Spanish-speaking country. To gain a deeper knowledge of Spanish/Latin American art, look beyond Frida Kahlo and Pablo Picasso. Once you’ve chosen an artist, in your own words, write 2-3 paragraphs about the artist using the word document as a guide. You may write in English, but are encouraged to write in Spanish (especially upper level students).
Learning Opportunity Objective
Students will gain a deeper knowledge of the cultural practices of the Spanish-speaking world.
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
Write 15 sentences in Spanish using the PRETERITE tense. All sentences must have at least one verb, conjugated in the preterite tense, and at least four additional words from our Avancemos or your teacher's Quizlet list. It is fine to use words from any chapter that we have studied this year.
Student Instructions
Write 15 sentences in Spanish using the PRETERITE tense. All sentences must have at least one verb, conjugated in the preterite tense, and at least four additional words from our Avancemos or your teacher's Quizlet list. It is fine to use words from any chapter that we have studied this year.
Learning Opportunity Objective
Write in targeted language. Express ideas in original thought.
Vocabulary that is not included in your classes vocabulary for the year may be flagged by teacher, thus affecting your grade. Do not use a translation device or outside help.
German Week 5
Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
Please allow the student to record themselves describing things in their room.
Student Instructions
Record a video of yourself describing 4 things in your room. Describe what they are, give at least 3 details of the items you are describing. Please email your video to me.
Learning Opportunity Objective
Student can practice reading, writing, speaking, and listen to the Target Language on a variety of topics.
Please email your submission.
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
Have student follow the instructions on the prompt.
Student Instructions
Student, follow the instructions on the writing prompt. You will write an email to a potential exchange student telling them about yourself, your family, your hobbies, and your school. Write at least 5 sentences telling them about yourself and then ask 2 questions. Please do not use Google Translate, as it makes your sentences harder to understand.
Learning Opportunity Objective
Student can practice reading, writing, speaking, and listen to the Target Language on a variety of topics.
Please email your assignment.
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
Have students watch the videos in the instructions and write summaries in English.
Student Instructions
Student, watch the videos listed in the PDF and send me an email with summaries of what the videos are about in English.
Learning Opportunity Objective
Student can practice reading, writing, speaking, and listen to the Target Language on a variety of topics.
Please send your answers per email.
French Week 5
Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3
File Submission (if applicable)
Parents please make sure students can find the proper website and read the directions below, and turn in their work by Friday 2 pm.
Parent Instructions
Students go to Pull up account: GreatVellison ( there are 70 study sets available) Search for the quizlet set below based on your level, study it and take the quiz. Send a screenshot of your results to your teacher. Level 1 search: French 1 ch. 2 Level 2 search: French 2 ch. 3 ( you can do part 1 or part 2) Level 3 search: French 3 ch. 4 Level 4 search: Fragments
Student Instructions
TLW copy some letters, words, and phrases presented from a variety of texts.
Learning Opportunity Objective
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
Students may use their school computer to do this but can also use their phones if that is more convenient for them. Please ensure that they have completed and submitted this by Friday 2pm to their teacher.
Student Instructions
Watch the video above. Lucas is talking about his passion. He describes his interest and shares a few details, he gives examples about what he does and enjoys doing with it, and demonstrates how he uses it. He speaks slowly but clearly and uses hand gestures to help you understand. Create a video about something you've enjoyed doing during the quarantine. ( 2 minutes or less) Describe what you do, explain a few details, maybe display how you do it ( art, music, video games, writing, sport..ect). Video should include at least 6-10 french sentences precisely related to your hobby. Be as creative as you'd like. (if your hobby is dance you can do a short dance, if it's drawing you can show how you draw, if it's reading you can read a short passage...ect) Level 1: Submit your video with a typed draft of your sentences. Your draft must contain your english sentences and translations in french, for full credit. ( Use PRESENT TENSE ONLY) Level 2: Submit your video with a typed draft of your sentences. Your draft must contain your english sentences and translations in french, for full credit. ( Must include present, passé-composé and near future at least once.) Level 3: Submit your video with a draft of your french sentences. ( Must use DOP and display use of 3 different tenses) Level 4: Submit your video only. ( Must use DOP and display use of 3 different tenses) Does not have to be a grand production, I am grading your French, not your editing skills. If you have questions email your teacher. This video should be all in French. Rubric: Hobby is clearly described 5 points Hobby is demonstrated in a creative manner 5 points Draft ( for level 1/2) contains english and french 10 points French pronunciation 5 points.
Learning Opportunity Objective
TLW communicate some basic information about everyday life, TLW begin to indicate various time frames, TLW discuss daily activities and personal preferences.
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
Please have your child download the attached document, complete it, and send via email to their teacher. Thank you.
Student Instructions
Students you will complete the journal entry assignment describing your daily activities. Please be sure and use the French you have learned this year. French 1 students should use the present tense. French 2 students should use the passé composé, and imperfect tense where appropriate. French 3 & 4 students should use the future tense. Students please use the rubric at the bottom of the document as a guide to help you earn all of the credit for this assignment.
Learning Opportunity Objective
Describe daily life in a letter, email, blog, or journal entry.
Feel free to contact your teachers via email if you have any questions or concerns.
Latin Week 5
Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
Encourage your student to complete these activities.
Student Instructions
Complete the assignment and email it to me.
Learning Opportunity Objective
TLW translate English sentences into correct Latin.
LATIN ONE - 1. Again and again Cornelius kept ordering Syrus to spur on the horses. 2. The day was warm, and it was the seventh hour. 3. The peasants were resting under the trees and Cornelius and Aurelia were asleep in the carriage. 4. Marcus was sitting ib the carriage and annoying Cornelia with his foot. 5. Sextus was looking at a courier who washing along the road. LATIN II - 1.Carry the trunks to the inn, slaves. 2. Marcus, why are you carrying Sextus' chest. 3. Sextus wants to see the great Roman buildings. 4. The slow wagon is carrying a huge load. 5. Do you want to see the buildings in Rome, Marcus.
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
Please encourage your student to participate in this opportunity.
Student Instructions
Student, complete these assignments to improve your grade. E-mail them to me.
Learning Opportunity Objective
TLW better translate Latin sentences into good English and will get a better grasp of vocabulary.
Translate these sentences into good English. LATIN ONE - 1. Cornelia sedate sub arbore. 2. Servi Getam invenire non poteranno. 3. Marcus et Sextus rasdas spectabat. 4. Pueri sappe in agris currunt. 5. Tabelarii epistulas ab urbe in omnespartes Italiae ferebant. LATIN TWO 1. Cornelii et Ecleides ad cauponam eunt. 2. Aurelia in capon pernoctare non vult. 3. Ubi pernoctare vis, domine. 4. Noli in cauponam ire, Cornelia. 5. Syrus raedam e fossa extrahere vult.
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
Please have students complete the Quizizz in the link. They should submit a screenshot of the score to Ms. Smith.
Student Instructions
Go to and complete the Quizizz. Send a screenshot of the final score to Ms. Smith.
Learning Opportunity Objective
Latin Roots
Etymology Week 5
Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
Encourage your student to complete this work.

Student Instructions
Complete this work and email it to me.

Learning Opportunity Objective
TLW give a word with each base that has either or both a prefix and/or a suffix.

Using the Latin bases in lessons XIV, XV, AND XVI give a word using the base and/or a prefix or suffix. Then give the meaning of each created word. E-mail your answers to me.

File Submission (if applicable)

Parent Instructions
Encourage your student to complete this assignment.

Student Instructions
Complete this assignment and email to me.

Learning Opportunity Objective
TLW know Latin bases, prefixes and suffixes

This week you need to be working in Latin Lessons XIV, XV, XVI. List all the prefixes, suffixes and bases in these lessons and give the meaning for each. E-mail me your work.
Parent Instructions
Please have students complete the Quizizz in the link. They should submit a screenshot of the score to Ms. Smith.

Student Instructions
Go to and complete the Quizizz. Send a screenshot of the final score to Ms. Smith.

Learning Opportunity Objective

Mythology Week 5
Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3

File Submission (if applicable)

Parent Instructions
Please encourage your student to complete this assignment.

Student Instructions
Please complete and send to me via email.

Learning Opportunity Objective
TLW better know the Stories of Polyphemus the Cyclops

Review the story of Polyphemus the cyclops as well as the Cyclops in general and send me a summary.
Parent Instructions
Please encourage your student to complete this assignment.

Student Instructions
Please complete this assignment and email it to me via email.

Learning Opportunity Objective
TLW better know the stories of the Earliest Heroes in Greek Mythology.

Review the stories of “Prometheus and Io” and of “Europa”. Summarize each story in an e-mail to me.
Parent Instructions
Have your students complete the Quizziz and take a screenshot of their final score to submit to Ms. Smith.

Student Instructions
Use this link: to complete a Quizziz. Once you have completed the Quizziz, send me a screenshot of the score.

Learning Opportunity Objective
Prometheus & lo and Eurpoa