Fine Arts

Fine Arts Week 5
K-5 Music K-5 Visual Arts
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
Click on the YouTube link provided to view this week's lesson! Your student may need some accessories from the kitchen to play along with Mrs. Finch's song.
Student Instructions
Click on the YouTube link provided to view this week's lesson! You may need some accessories from the kitchen to play along with Mrs. Finch's song.
Learning Opportunity Objective
Students will perform by singing and moving along with the song "Garden Song." Students will listen to a story and apply their musical learning to expand the story's meaning.
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
The goal of this project is to give student artists a chance to learn how some artists create art inspired by the things around them and to draw from observation. During the research portion of the project, your young artist can review the pdf and talk or write about their responses to the questions. They can also check out the content at the links on the last page of the pdf for more research. During the create portion of the project, encourage your young artist to look at the object they are drawing as much or more than they look at their drawing. During the share portion of the project, encourage your young artist to share the decisions that went into creating the illustration.
Student Instructions
Research: Look through the Pop Art Candy Painting pdf for ideas and inspiration. Choose candy you have in your house, select some candy from the “candy around the world” site in the pdf, or invent your own candy. Grab a pencil, paper, and crayons, markers, colored pencils, or paint Create: As you create, think about: How will it be arranged on your paper? Will it be giant or actual size? Will you draw the same kind from multiple views or draw several different kinds? Will you use actual colors, shading, or unrealistic colors. A bonus idea: Create a puzzle such as a secret message or visual math problem in your illustration. Share: Present your project to someone in your family. Take a photo of your completed work to share with your school or ask your parents to share it on social media. Sharing the actual candy with someone in your family would also be a nice thing to do.
Learning Opportunity Objective
Creativity and innovative thinking are essential life skills that can be developed. People create and interact with objects, places, and design that define, shape, enhance, and empower their lives
Fine Arts Week 5
6- 12 Band 6-8 Choir 6-12 Orchestra
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
See pdf.
Student Instructions
See pdf.
Learning Opportunity Objective
Students will continue to develop superior habits on their instrument through the performance of fundamental exercises and band literature.
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
"Choral Music Madness" - Sweet 16 - Round 1! We have successfully made it through the initial round of music! Some music selections won by a landslide. Others won by a very narrow margin! Beginning this week, new matches begin in the NCAA-style bracket. Students will continue to view/listen to music in the link provided, then cast their vote for which song is their favorite from each category. The bracket will be updated weekly.
Student Instructions
"Choral Music Madness" - Sweet 16 - Round 1! We have successfully made it through the initial round of music! Beginning this week, new matches begin in the NCAA-style bracket. Please continue to view/listen to music in the link provided, then cast their vote for which song is their favorite from each category. The bracket will be updated weekly.
Learning Opportunity Objective
Respond - Support an interpretation of a musical work that reflects the creators’/performers’ expressive intent.
If you are not able to view the videos on the Google form link, you can view the videos in the link below. The videos will be at the top of this linked page.
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
Use the attached PDF to guide your student in their practice. The orchestra directors have compiled this collection of activities to enhance your student's practice time while at home. The hope is that students continue to adhere to their program's practice expectations, and complete one activity a day to submit to their director to stay in contact and receive feedback. The PDF outlines how students should submit their participation as well as how they will receive feedback from their director.
Student Instructions
Check the attached PDF each day during your practice time to see what activity you should complete. Some can be completed quickly while others will take practice to accomplish. Submit your proof of participation to your teacher and you will receive feedback.
Learning Opportunity Objective
Students will have the opportunity to participate in multiple short activities each day to supplement their ongoing at-home practice.
Fine Arts Week 5
6-8 Visual Arts 9-12 Choir 9 - 12 Visual Arts
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
We want our students creating art during this time that is personally meaningful to them and the world around them. The attached document contains week 4 of our art challenge. Have your students explore the prompts and choose a few that are interesting to them.
Student Instructions
Students, simply click on the attachment and choose a few prompts that are interesting to you. Feel free to use whatever materials you have at home and think of these prompts as a guide. You can tweak these to fit your interests. Don't want to create a drawing but love to paint? Go for it! Be sure to share your results with you art teachers so we can see what you are creating!
Learning Opportunity Objective
I can think creatively by problem solving and creating personally meaningful artwork.
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
Parents have students complete the work. If you have any questions contact [email protected]
Student Instructions
April 1-3 go to, click on exercises, choose note identification, practice till you can get 20 correct. April 6-10 go to, click on exercises, choose Key signature identification, practice till you can get 20 correct. April 13-17 go to, click on exercises, choose interval identification, practice till you can get 20 correct. April 20-24 go to, click on exercises, choose scale identification, practice till you can get 20 correct. Any questions or concerns contact your teacher. Mr. Whited [email protected]
Learning Opportunity Objective
HS3.IM.R1.B Analyze and explain how context and the manipulation of musical elements influence response to music
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
For the month of April students will engage in a "drawing a day" challenge! Each day of the month students will draw a different object or scene according to the prompt in the graphic that is attached to this form. Students can email their art teacher for feedback on their progress, and on the final drawing. All students are invited to share their work on Instagram using the hashtag #bcsstudentdrawings!!
Student Instructions
Attention awesome art students! For the month of April, we will engage in a "drawing-a day" challenge! On the graphic you will see a prompt for each day of April. You can start on number 6. Your drawing can be as simple as a doodle or as complex as you want. You can certainly email your teacher and show them you work each day for feedback, and you can also post your drawing on Instagram using the hashtag #bcsstudentdrawings .We can't wait to see what you will come up with!
Learning Opportunity Objective
Drawing is an essential skill in Visual Art, and this 30 day challenge will strengthen students skills in drawings as well as develop a daily habit of drawing practice.
HS Theatre / Forensics Week 5
Daily 8 Count One Minute Monologue 
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
Your student can go to the website Click the "Weekly Combination" button. Enter student's e-mail address and name to receive the weekly password. Enter the password and watch the daily video. Students can learn each day's musical theatre dance combination. At the end of the week, students can submit a video of themselves performing the entire weekly combination on their class Edmodo page.
Student Instructions
Get your body moving with musical theatre dance! These are weekly easy, basic musical theatre dance combinations that will teach you basic moves that would be great practice for audition prep! Visit the website Click the "Weekly Combination" button. Enter your e-mail address and name to receive the weekly password. Enter the password and watch the daily video. Students can learn each day's musical theatre dance combination. At the end of the week, students can submit a video of themselves performing the entire weekly combination on their class Edmodo page. If you want to share your video on social media, use the hashtag #bcsdaily8count There is a new combination every week, so this can be an ongoing activity!
Learning Opportunity Objective
Develop and refine artistic techniques and work for performance.
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
Review Week 5 Challenge instructions.
Student Instructions
Shakespeare’s plays were almost always written in Iambic Pentameter, a rhythmic and predictable verse pattern. Find a Shakespearean monologue in Stage Agent and find a basic beat on YouTube or other sound file platform. Film yourself rapping Shakespeare’s words to the beat! Be sure to indicate which play and character your monologue is from.
Learning Opportunity Objective
HS1.T.P1.A Perform an improvised theatrical work for an audience.
Fine Arts Week 5
HS Guitar HS Media Arts
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
Parents have students complete the work. If you have any questions contact [email protected]
Student Instructions
April 1-3 go to, click on exercises, choose note identification, practice till you can get 20 correct. April 6-10 go to, click on exercises, choose Key signature identification, practice till you can get 20 correct. April 13-17 go to, click on exercises, choose interval identification, practice till you can get 20 correct. April 20-24 go to, click on exercises, choose scale identification, practice till you can get 20 correct. Any questions or concerns contact your teacher. Mr. Whited [email protected] or Mr. Neal [email protected]
Learning Opportunity Objective
HS3.IM.R1.B Analyze and explain how context and the manipulation of musical elements influence response to music
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
Please have your student submit questions and/or responses by email to their instructor: David Kiser [email protected] James Steinbrecher [email protected]
Student Instructions
Minor 1 Image Composition Frame Size – Create a frame size chart with all 7 frame sizes. Use the same subject in every shot. Place the shots in a Word/Pages document, labeling each frame size. Minor 2 Image Composition Camera Angle - Create a camera angle chart demonstrating all 4 camera angles.. Use the same subject in every shot. Place the shots in a Word/Pages document, labeling each camera angle. Major 1 After submitting the above Minor assignments, Contact your teacher for the Major assignment, if you are interested in this assignment. Submission: Submit your documents via email.
Learning Opportunity Objective
The learner will demonstrate their knowledge of Image Composition by creating a Frame Size Chart. The learner will demonstrate their knowledge of Image Composition by creating a Camera Angle Chart.