Fun Activities

Activities Week 6
Activity 1 Activity 2 Activity 3
Parent Instructions
Please read the instructions for the Life Jacket activity on the website provided and work with your child to help them locate materials and create a 'life jacket" to help the item they choose float.
Student Instructions
Design a Lifejacket Challenge When building ships and submarines, engineers need to know the density of materials to make sure their structures float. Today, your challenge is to design a life-jacket to allow a common household object to float. Step 1: Test six household objects to determine which types of objects sink and float. Complete the Float or Sink Exploration document. What do you notice about the objects that sank? What do you notice about the objects that floated? Step 2: Select one of the objects that sank. Step 3: Design a "life jacket" for the object that sank and see if you can keep it afloat. Use the Engineering Design Process Guide to map out your ideas and test and improve your idea. Step 4: Ask your parent or teacher to share a picture or video of your life jacket design on social media using #MakerMondayTN and #LearningInPlaceTN!
Learning Opportunity Objective
The student will make predictions for wether an object will float or sink and test their hypothesis. The student will use problem solving strategies to design something to help an object float.
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
This is a three lesson project, one lesson per week. However it can be completed in less time.
Student Instructions
LESSON 1: Students take a walk around their neighborhood, local park, or anywhere there is a variety of tree species. Remember to practice social distancing! • Each student takes a selfie picture of themselves with the leaves of as many different species of trees as possible (at least 5, but no more than 10). Students will be predicting the species later and then using the Internet to discover what each leaf actually is. • Download the pictures and place on a Pages/Word document and email it to your teacher. She will save all the pictures on her webpage, so that all students may have access. Number each photo, but do not label it with species or common name.
Learning Opportunity Objective
1. Students will collect leaf samples of native trees for identification. 2. Students will identify trees by their leaves. 3. Students will gather information about each species of tree. 4. Students will create a presentation that identify local trees and give specific information regarding each species.
Students may complete this project in less time than 3 weeks. It is up to the individual student.
Parent Instructions
We are celebrating Mother's Day this week. Provide your child with the least favorite household chore and they will complete it for you. Enjoy this week with your family!
Student Instructions
Mother's Day is approaching! This week we are celebrating Mother's Day. Throughout the week, ask your mom for their least favorite chore and complete it for them. They will absolutely appreciate the help. Of course there are many other opportunities to celebrate. You can make them a card, craft, bake or cook a meal (with parent approval), etc. Enjoy this week with your mom!

Learning Opportunity Objective

Celebrating Mother's Day



Family Fun