
ELA Week 7
Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
Print attached PDF (Find Letter Gg). Have your child identify letter Gg by dabbing or coloring them in. After finding all of the letter Gg's, ask your child to generate words that begin with letter Gg to stretch the lesson.
Student Instructions
Identify Letter Gg by dabbing or coloring them in on the worksheet. What are some words that begin with the letter Gg?
Learning Opportunity Objective
The learner will identify letter Gg and generate words that begin with the letter sound Gg.
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
Parents should click on the link to The Very Quiet Cricket on YouTube. After listening to the story, ask questions like "What happened in the beginning?" "What happened next?" "What happened last?" "Who was were the characters in the story" "What was your favorite part of the story?" Parents may want to print the PDF or use a blank sheet of paper to have your child draw the characters from the story and retell the story.
Student Instructions
Students should listen to the story The Quiet Cricket. After listening to the story, draw a picture of one or more characters from the story. Add other details to retell the story.
Learning Opportunity Objective
Students will have the opportunity to listen to a story, identify the characters and retell the story.
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
Please see the attached parent letter from iStation to get started. You can use an iPad, android device, or computer to download the software During Step 5 of the set up, you will need to enter your child’s school domain. I have provided the 3 PreK site domains in Red on the right side of the PDF Step by Step. In order for your child to log in, you MUST choose the correct site domain. For example: If your child is in PreK at Bartlett Elementary you will use the domain. **Your child’s teacher will provide you with their individual user name and password that we use at school. Look for these to come to you by April 1st via your communication tool (email, Remind or Class Dojo) Once logged in, they will choose Reading with ISIP. At this point, your child should know how to work through the iStation program. IMPORTANT- During the first log in of every month, the iStation program will “test.” You will know it is testing by the turquoise blue box at the bottom right near the stop sign that says “ISIP in progress” If the “ISIP in progress” box is up, please have your child REMAIN on the program until the box goes away. It can range anywhere from 8-15 minutes but sometimes longer. If the “ISIP in progress” is not up, your child can stay on for 10-15 minutes in order to get a good lesson in. Your child should NOT be on longer than 25- 30 minutes.You will receive your log in usernames and passwords by April 1st from your PreK teacher.
Student Instructions
Resource iStation File Submission (if applicable) iStation for Parents English.pdf iStation for Parents Spanish.pdf Parent Instructions Please see the attached parent letter from iStation to get started. You can use an iPad, android device, or computer to download the software During Step 5 of the set up, you will need to enter your child’s school domain. I have provided the 3 PreK site domains in Red on the right side of the PDF Step by Step. In order for your child to log in, you MUST choose the correct site domain. For example: If your child is in PreK at Bartlett Elementary you will use the domain. **Your child’s teacher will provide you with their individual user name and password that we use at school. Look for these to come to you by April 1st via your communication tool (email, Remind or Class Dojo) Once logged in, they will choose Reading with ISIP. At this point, your child should know how to work through the iStation program. IMPORTANT- During the first log in of every month, the iStation program will “test.” You will know it is testing by the turquoise blue box at the bottom right near the stop sign that says “ISIP in progress” If the “ISIP in progress” box is up, please have your child REMAIN on the program until the box goes away. It can range anywhere from 8-15 minutes but sometimes longer. If the “ISIP in progress” is not up, your child can stay on for 10-15 minutes in order to get a good lesson in. Your child should NOT be on longer than 25- 30 minutes.You will receive your log in usernames and passwords by April 1st from your PreK teacher. Student Instructions Students will choose Reading with ISIP If ISIP in Progress box displayed in the bottom right corner, please stay on until the box goes away. If ISIP in Progress box is not displayed, please spend about 15 minutes on the program. No More than 25- 30 minutes a day.
Learning Opportunity Objective
Students will have the opportunity to discover the differences between needs and wants.
Students will review letters, letter sounds, reading comprehension, and other ELA skills learned throughout the year.
Math Week 7
Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
1. Click the YouTube link to watch Sesame Street Letter X podcast 2. Print the PDFs 3. For Dot The Letter: Help your child identify all the letters on the PDF, Help your child circle all the X 4. For See It, Find It, Read It Write It: Help your child to: identify X and listen for the X sound (at the end of words) when saying each picture on the first row, color all Xx on the 2nd row, circle all Xx on the 3rd row and Write Xx on the 4th row.
Student Instructions
1. Dot the Letter X: Find and circle all capital and lowercase letter Xx 2. See It, Find It, Read It, Write It: identify X and listen for the X sound (at the end of words)when saying each picture on the first row, color all Xx on the 2nd row, circle all Xx on the 3rd row and Write Xx on the 4th row.
Learning Opportunity Objective
The students will have the opportunity to recognize, write and listen for the initial X sound in words.
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
1. Click the link to watch the silly rhyming song: Down By The Bay. 2. Print the PDF 3. Help your children identify all of the pictures in each box. 4. Help them to focus and listen for the words that rhyme. Parents may want to watch the ReadyRosie link (Finish the Rhyme) before or after completing the activity. Directions to access the link are in the comments section.
Student Instructions
!.Watch the silly rhyming song: Down By The Bay. 2. Name each picture in the box listening carefully for words that rhyme. 3. In each box, olor the pictures that rhyme. 
Learning Opportunity Objective
The student will have the opportunity to listen for and produce rhyming words.
1. Click on ReadyRosie and create a free account. 2. Click on the link 3. Watch the video to learn more about rhyming at home.
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
1. Click the link to watch the YouTube video: Aliens Love Underpants. 2. Print the PDF: Aliens Love ABCs 3. Help your child identify each capital letter and write the correct lowercase letter. 4. Encourage your child to produce sounds for each letter too 5. Additionally, print the PDF: Space Syllables. 6. Help your child name each picture and "clap" each syllable of the word. 6. Help your child put the pictures on the rocket ship labeled with the number of syllables in the word. Parents may want to watch the ReadyRosie link (Grocery Sack Syllables) before or after completing the activity. Directions to access the link are in the comments section.
Student Instructions
1. Watch the YouTube video. 2. Identify the letters on Aliens Love ABCs. 3. Write the correct lowercase letter for each capital letter. 4 Complete Space Syllables by clapping each picture and gluing the picture on the rocket ship that corresponds to the number of syllables (claps) for the picture.
Learning Opportunity Objective
Students will have the opportunity to listen to a story, increase vocabulary, recognize familiar letters and segment syllables.
1. Click on ReadyRosie and create a free account. 2. Click link 3. Watch video
Science Week 7
Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
Click the link to take a virtual field trip into space. Once the link is open, a choice board will appear. Choose from several different "places" to visit with your child.
Student Instructions
Click the link to take a virtual field trip into space. Once the link is open, a choice board will appear. Choose from several different "places" to visit.
Learning Opportunity Objective
Students will have an opportunity to develop vocabulary and concepts.
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
1. Watch the YouTube video 2. Print the PDF. 3. Identify the pictures. 4 Talk about what time of day the pictures represent.
Student Instructions
1. Identify the pictures. 2. Decide what time of day the event occurs 3. Glue the picture under day or night. 4.Brainstorm more events that typically occur during the day and others that happen at night.
Learning Opportunity Objective
The student will have the opportunity to make observations, compare/contrast events and expand vocabulary.
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
1. Watch the YouTube video about Constellations 2. Print the PDF 3. Help your child design their own constellation.
Student Instructions
1. Watch the YouTube video about Constellations 2. Print the PDF 3. Design your own constellation.
Learning Opportunity Objective
The student will have the opportunity to learn about the night sky & design a constellation.
Take time in the evening to look at the stars. Try to find some of the more familiar constellations like The Big Dipper. The PDF contains some other constellations you may want to look for!
Social Studies Week 7
Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
Watch the BrainPop Jr. video about Saving and Spending. Discuss with your child the things you can do with money. Take the easy quiz on BrainPop Jr. Ask your child to draw a picture that shows some things they could buy with money. Point to each drawing and have your child tell you if that item is a want or a need.
Student Instructions
Watch the video on Saving and Spending. Tell your parents all the things you can do with money. Take the easy quiz on BrainPop Jr. Draw a picture of things you can buy with money and tell your parents is those items are wants or needs.
Learning Opportunity Objective
Students will have the opportunity to learn how money is exchanged to acquire wants and needs.
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
Watch BrainPop Jr video on Needs and Wants. Discuss with your child that a NEED is something someone must have to live. Discuss that a want is something people would like to have. Help your child find the EASY quiz and take that quiz. Complete the attached needs and wants pdf. Circle NEED or WANT according to each picture.
Student Instructions
Watch the BrainPop video. Tell your parents the difference between a need and want. Take the easy quiz. Complete the worksheet by circling NEED or WANT for each picture.
Learning Opportunity Objective
Students will have the opportunity to discover the differences between needs and wants.
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
Discuss the difference between a need and a want. Needs are something you have to have to live. Needs are something you would like to have. Watch "The Pigeon Wants a Dog" and then watch "The Pigeon Needs a Bath." Ask your child to tell you the wants and needs from each story. Have you child draw a picture of the things pigeon wants and needs.
Student Instructions
Watch the 2 stories -- "The Pigeon Wants a Dog" and "The Pigeon Needs a Bath". Tell your parents the difference between a need and a want. Draw a picture that shows what pigeon wanted and what pigeon needed. On the back of your paper draw something you want and something you need and tell your parent about it.
Learning Opportunity Objective
Students will have the opportunity to discover the differences between needs and wants.