World Languages

Spanish Week 7
Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
Have your student read the "Refranes", popular sayings in the Spanish speaking countries, they need to figure out their meaning, use one of them in a sentence and come up with their own (any saying used in the English language), then translate it to Spanish. They can email their work to their Spanish teacher.
Student Instructions
You have 4 refranes (sayings, proverbs, or idioms) used in the Hispanic World, read them, and figure out what they mean, use one of them in a sentence, add your own saying in English and translate it to make sense in Spanish. Have fun!
Learning Opportunity Objective
Students will gain a deeper understanding of popular spoken expressions used in the Spanish-speaking world.
Avancemos textbook, notes, Quizlet
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
No outside help permissible, including translation sites, Spanish-speaking friends, etc.
Student Instructions
Answer the following questions in Spanish, appropriately using the Present, Present Progressive, or Preterit Tense and your vocabulary. Qué hiciste ayer? Escribe tres actividades. Qué vas a hacer hoy? Escribe tres actividades nuevas. Qué te gusta hacer cuando vas al centro comercial? Escribe tres cosas.
Learning Opportunity Objective
Practice writing in Present, Present Progressive, and Preterit Tenses.
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
We are revisiting an earlier activity. It would be so helpful if students were to continue on with this site in the summer building their listening skills and reinforcing/building vocabulary. No additional instructions needed for parents except to have the student follow the instructions below.
Student Instructions
We are revisiting an earlier activity. It would be so helpful if you were to continue on with this site in the summer building your listening skills and reinforcing/building vocabulary. Use the link to go to Spanish Listening. On the Spanish Listening website, click on the pull down menu on Select an Option. Click on level. Then click on Select a level. Level 1 and 2 may want to begin with beginner as these are native speakers. Click on Select a topic and choose: All Topics. Click on the Search button. From this selection of lessons, choose the one that you would like to do. Select a different option from the one you did before. 1. Watch the video. 2. Click on the tab for vocabulary underneath the video. Do the activities: flashcards, sentences, and quiz. Take a screenshot of your quiz results to submit to your teacher. 3. Click on the quiz tab. Take the quiz. You can click on script to see the written transcript of the video. Take a screenshot of your quiz results to submit to your teacher. 4. Click on speak. Listen to the questions and see if you can respond verbally and with a written response. This will not require a submission to your teacher. Please submit everything to your teacher in the way that was recommended.
Learning Opportunity Objective
The learning objective is to improve the listening skills of the student in the Spanish language by listening to native speakers.
German Week 7
Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
Please allow student to create a video.
Student Instructions
Student, you are going to create a movie trailer of your life during your time at home. It can be any movie genre and can have as many dramatic elements as possible. All speaking/ narration should be in German.
Learning Opportunity Objective
Student can practice reading, writing, speaking, and listen to the Target Language on a variety of topics.
Please email assignment.
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
Parent, please allow student to create a brochure for this activity.
Student Instructions
For this activity, you will create a brochure of a city in Germany or Austria that you would want to visit. Include interesting things in the Brochure, sightseeing locations, foods the area is famous for and anything else you would find interesting about the city. This assignment may be done in English.
Learning Opportunity Objective
The student is reinforcing/practicing previously learned concepts/vocabulary.
Please email Assignment.
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
Parents, please let student complete 50 xp on Duolingo.
Student Instructions
Student, please complete 50 xp on Duolingo.
Learning Opportunity Objective
Student can practice reading, writing, speaking, and listen to the Target Language on a variety of topics.
French Week 7
Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
Please have your child open the attached document, click on the URL link to access the learning opportunity, and follow the instructions.
Student Instructions
Students, open the attached document, click on the URL link, follow the instructions and take the assessment. Assessment results should automatically be sent to your teacher after you follow the instructions completely.
Learning Opportunity Objective
I can comprehend basic questions or statements on familiar topics.
Please contact your teacher if you have any questions or concerns.
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
Please ensure that your student completes the attached document and returns it to their teacher by Friday 2 pm. Student can use his/her phone to complete this work.
Student Instructions
Look at the attached screen shot of the different youtube channels available for French support. Think of one skill you struggled this year and look for that specific skill on three different channels. Go to the channel, click on the channel, click on videos, click on search. Search the skill you want to understand deeper. ( Examples of skills: Subject pronouns, Er conjugations, IR conjugation, Direct Object Pronoun, Passé-Composé, Near future, Contractions with à, Partitive article, Possessive articles...ect) Contrast and compare each channel by answering the questions in the attached document. Turn in the document to your teacher by Friday 2 pm.
Learning Opportunity Objective
TLW search for new resources to help them understand French concepts online via youtube
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
Please ensure that your student follows the student instructions completely.
Student Instructions
Go to and click on the "STORY" Tab at the top. Listen and interact with three stories per day from Monday - Friday Keep track of your story titles and turn this in to your teacher on Friday by 2pm
Learning Opportunity Objective
TLW formulate the main idea of a story while learning new vocabulary.
Latin Week 7
Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
Student Instructions
Learning Opportunity Objective
TLW translate Latin sentences into English using their Latin vocabulary.
TRANSLATE THESE SENTENCES FROM LATIN TO GOOD ENGLISH. 1. Marcus arbores ascendere non vult. 2. Multi viatore ad mean 3. M cauponam venire solent. 4. Nobis necess est statim discedere. 5. Certe in agris pernoctare est periculosum. 6. Aurelia Corneliam docet villam curare. 7. Ancillam iubet aliadd tunicas et stolas et pallas in cistam ponere. 8. Cur, Marce et sexte, ad mediam noctem vigilare in animo habetis? 9. Dum Cornelius et pueri cenant, intravit miles quidam.
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
Please encourage your student to complete this assignment.
Student Instructions
Please complete this assignment
Learning Opportunity Objective
TLW know Latin Vocabulary
MINOR GRADE 1 WEEK 7 MATCH THE LATIN WORD WITH ITS ENGLISH EQUIVALENT. a) After b) All right c) Bed d) Bet e) Better f) Dinner g) Dirty h) For i) For a short time j) For Cornelius k) For you(pl) l) For you(s) m) He led n) He ordered o) Into this inn p) Is it allowed us….? q) Middle of r) Midnight s) Sir t) Soldier u) They entered v) They stayed w) They went x) This bed y) To be hungry z) To dine aa) To explain the situation bb) To go to bed cc) To stay awake dd) Very ee) We wanted ff) Whjile devouring gg) Why didn’t you go? hh) You have sent 1. cena 2. Ceno, cenare 3. Cornelio 4. Cubitum ire 5. Cur non ….istis? 6. Dum….devorant 7. Duxit 8. Enim 9. Esto 10. Esurio, esurire 11. Hic lectus 12. Ierunt 13. In hanc cauponam 14. Intraverunt 15. Iussit 16. Lectus 17. Licetne nobis 18. Manserunt 19. Medius, -a, -um 20. Melior 21. Miles militis 22. Misisti 23. Optimus, -a, -um 24. Post 25. Paulisper 26. Rem explicare 27. Sordidus 28. Tibi 29. Valde 30. Vigilo, vigilare 31. Vir optime 32. Vobis 33. Voluimus
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
Student Instructions
Learning Opportunity Objective
Etymology Week 7
Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3

File Submission (if applicable)

Parent Instructions
Encourage your student to complete this assignment.

Student Instructions
Complete this assignment

Learning Opportunity Objective
TLW know Latin bases, prefixes and suffixes

Form a word from each base in Lessons 19 and 20 using the prefixes and suffixes from these lessons. write the meaning for each word you have formed.

File Submission (if applicable)

Parent Instructions

Student Instructions

Learning Opportunity Objective
TLW know Latin bases, prefixes and suffixes.

Copy the bases, prefixes and suffixes in lessons 19 and 20 and write their meaning.
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
Student Instructions
Learning Opportunity Objective
Mythology Week 7
Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3
Hamilton's Mythology or on-line

File Submission (if applicable)

Parent Instructions
Encourage your student to complete this.

Student Instructions
Complete this assignment

Learning Opportunity Objective
TLW know the stories of Pegasus and Bellerophon and of Otus and Ephialtes

Review the stories of Pegasus and Bellerophon as well as that of Otus and Ephialtes and briefly summarize each story.
Hamilton's Mythology or on-line

File Submission (if applicable)

Parent Instructions
encourage your student to complete this assignment.

Student Instructions
complete this assignment

Learning Opportunity Objective
TLW know the stories of Phaethon and Daedalus

Review the stories of Phaethon and of Daedalus and briefly summarize each.
File Submission (if applicable)
Parent Instructions
Student Instructions
Learning Opportunity Objective