Family Fun Activities

Activities Week 8
Activity 1 Activity 2 Activity 3
Parent Instructions
Students should know how to create a Keynote or PowerPoint, since we used then frequently in class. Parents can help as needed. I have placed pictures of leaves on my website, if students need any extra leaves.
Student Instructions
Students create a simple Power Point, Keynote, or Prezi presentation, etc., that contains the information gathered on each tree. • Use the original selfie picture of you holding the leaf. • When finished, send the presentation to your teacher via email. Your teacher will give you individual feedback.

Learning Opportunity Objective
Objectives: 1. Students will collect leaf samples of native trees for identification. 2. Students will identify trees by their leaves. 3. Students will gather information about each species of tree. 4. Students will create a presentation that identify local trees and give specific information regarding each species.
Parent Instructions
Parents should work with their students to complete the breakout game.
Student Instructions
Students should work with their family or independently to complete the breakout event. Send your teacher a screen shot when you "break out"!.
Learning Opportunity Objective
Students will be able to use different skills to solve the various puzzles.
Parent Instructions
For this lesson, parents/siblings you will be the student. Your child will be the teacher. They will teach you a lesson of their choice.
Student Instructions
Choose any subject(s) and teach a lesson to your parent(s), sibling(s), or other family members. For example, have your family read your favorite short passage or an excerpt from your favorite novel. Prepare questions about the text for your students; Create a Kahoot challenge; Have your students create a Keynote; write a short response, etc... It is up to you what activities and which subject your student will complete.
Learning Opportunity Objective
The student will be the expert in a chosen subject and create a lesson to teach and create an activity to show mastery.